Политика за бисквитки

This Cookie Policy sets out the use of cookies on the website https://www.billit.be/ (hereinafter: “the Website”) by Billit BVBA (hereinafter: “Billit”, “we”, “us”). Cookies are small text files that are stored on the hard drive of a device and that contain information and, in some cases, personal data. Social media plugins are small pieces of software that have been developed and made available by the providers of social media services (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, Google, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter), that integrate social media functionality when incorporated in the Website.

COMMENT 1: should you require information about how we process your personal information, other than processing with cookies, e.g. relating to your communication with us by e-mail, phone and social media, then please check our Privacy Policy

By continuing to use this website after having been informed that we use cookies and social media plugins, you acknowledge that you have carefully read this Cookie Policy. You can manage your cookie consent preferences at any time via your cookie settings.


Your personal information is processed by Billit, an entity acting in the capacity of controller.
Billit’s contact details are: Billit BVBA, Oktrooiplein 1 bus 302, 9000 Gent, Belgium, registered in the Crossroads Bank of Enterprises with number 0563.846.944.
Please send any questions you have about the processing of your personal information by or as a consequence of our use of cookies or social media plugins to our Privacy Officer at dpo@billit.be.
References to specific legislation or regulations also comprise any amendment, replacement or annulment of the aforementioned legislation or regulations, including all related implementing decisions.
Billit reserves the right to amend or adapt provisions in this Cookie Policy now and then. Such amendments or adaptations will be published on the Website.


You can prevent your browser from installing cookies by disabling them in your browser settings. We explain how to do this below:

Internet Explorer:

Microsoft Edge:




Not giving consent for cookies when visiting the Website may, however, cause some or all of the Website functionality to not work as it should. When you visit the Website, Billit installs a number of cookies on your hard drive. Most of the information that is collected when Billit installs and uses cookies personally identifies you. Billit uses this information to gain an insight into how you and other visitors use the Website, by collecting statistical and user data, enabling Billit to give you the best experience when you use our Website.
We use the following cookies on our Website:

Functional cookies:

Billit uses various functional cookies on its Website. These cookies are necessary for the Website to function and give you the best experience on our Website.

Analytics and statistical cookies:

Google Analytics: Billit uses Google Analytics cookies to determine how you and other visitors use our Website and some of the third party services on our Website. These insights enable Billit and its external service providers to improve our services. Billit uses the following cookies:

_gat cookie (expiry 1 minute);
_gid cookie (expiry 2 days), and
_ga cookie (expiry 2 years).

Social media and advertising:

Facebook: Billit uses Facebook. We use the following cookies:

fr cookie (expiry 6 months);
_fbp cookie (expiry 6 months).

We ask you for your consent for installing cookies and collecting information on your device, except for functional cookies. You can withdraw this consent for the installation of cookies and the collection of information by Billit at any time. To exercise this right, you simply need to delete all cookies that were installed on your device. Kindly follow the instructions of your browser developer as provided above.

Purposes for which Billit uses your personal information

Billit processes your personal information to perform statistical analyses to improve our Website, products and services, or develop new products and services.
Billit processes your personal information for advertising purposes.
Billit may process your personal information to inform any third party in the context of a potential merger with, acquisition of/by or hiving off of this third party, even when this third party is outside of the EU.
Billit may process your personal information to defend the legitimate interests of Billit, its partners or those of a third party if applicable, if your use of the Website constitutes one of the following abuses: (a) an infringement of the applicable terms and conditions or of the intellectual rights or another right of third parties; (b) a threat to the Website’s security and integrity, c) a threat to the Website or underlying infrastructure of Billit or its subcontractors, such as but not limited to viruses, Trojan horses, malware, spyware or other malicious software code, or (d) any expressions of hate, obscenity, discrimination, racism, libel, slander, or any other expression that must be construed as damaging, hurtful or unlawful.
Billit processes your personal information to comply with its legal obligations as well as to respond to any reasonable request for information from authorised officers or representatives of the police, the judicial authorities, government bodies or institutions, including the competent data protection authorities. Billit can provide your personal information to the police or the judicial authorities of its own volition if proof or a justified presumption exists that you have committed an unlawful act or crime.

Grounds for processing your personal information

For the purposes set out in Articles 3.1 and 3.2, Billit requests, as the responsible party, that you give your consent.
For the purposes set out in Articles 3.3 and 3.4, Billit bases itself on the necessity to enforce our justified interests or those of third parties namely to: inform a third party in the context of a potential merger with, acquisition by/of or hiving off of a third party; to guarantee security.
For the purpose set out in Article 3.5, Billit bases itself on the necessity of the processing of your personal information to comply with its legal obligations.


Except for the situations set out in Articles 5.2 and 5.3, Billit shall not send your personal data to third parties in an identifiable manner without your explicit consent. You must understand, however, that our use of analytics and statistical cookies as well as advertising cookies may imply that the external providers of these cookies could possibly obtain relevant information about you, including information about your online behaviour.

Billit can share your personal information with other entities of the Billit Group if necessary for one of the purposes outlined above.
In any event, we guarantee that, when one of our group’s entities processes your personal information, this shall always be done in accordance with this Cookie Policy.

Billit collaborates with external providers to provide the Website to you and process your personal information on our behalf. These external providers may only process your personal information on Billit's behalf by express written instruction from Billit. Billit guarantees that all the external providers will be rigorously selected and obliges them to take the security and integrity of your personal information into account.
In principle, your personal information will be mainly processed within the European Economic Area (i.e. the European Union, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein). In the event that information is processed outside the European Economic Area, e.g. by a third party, we guarantee that your personal information will be protected as much as possible. Your personal information will only be passed on to third countries that offer an equivalent level of protection.

Quality guarantees

Billit does everything possible to only process the personal information that is needed to achieve the objectives set out above.
Your personal information will only be stored for as long as necessary to achieve the purposes set out above or until such time that you withdraw your consent for the processing thereof. Please note that the withdrawal of your consent may mean that you can no longer use part or all of the Website or that we will be obliged to stop a specific service. Billit will de-identify your personal information when it is no longer necessary for the purposes as outlined above unless:

It is crucial for Billit or another third party that your personal information remains identifiable; a legislative or statutory obligation or a judicial or administrative order exists preventing Billit from de-identifying them.

Billit shall take the appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal information against unauthorised access, theft and accidental loss, alteration or destruction. Billit will only grant the employees or the external processing companies that process this personal information access based on a need-to-know principle. This means that both the employees and these external processing companies are subject to strict conditions of confidentiality. We are under obligation to use our best endeavour to guarantee safety and security.

Your rights

You have the right to request access to all the personal information that we process about you. You must always specify for which processing activities you wish to exercise your right to access.

Billit has the right to deny specific requests for access that are clearly submitted with a view to causing nuisance. Billit also has the right to deny a request for access if the granting thereof has disproportionate negative implications for the rights and freedoms of others, including Billit itself.
You have the right to request that any incorrect personal information relating to you is corrected free of charge. If a request for correction is submitted, this must be accompanied by proof of the poor data quality for which the correction is submitted.
You have the right to revoke the consent that was previously given for the processing of your personal information at any time.
You have the right to request that your personal information is deleted if it is no longer necessary in light of the purposes set out above or if you withdraw your consent. You must bear in mind, however, that a request for deletion shall be weighed by Billit against:
the legitimate interests of Billit or another third party; a legal or statutory obligation or a judicial or administrative order that prevents such a deletion.

Instead of requesting the deletion of your personal information, you can also request that Billit limits the processing of your personal information if (a) you dispute the correctness of this information, (b) the processing is unlawful or (c) the data are no longer required for the purposes set out above, but you need them to defend yourself in legal proceedings.
You have the right to object to the processing of personal information when we process your personal information to defend our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of a third party and if you are in a special and specific situation that warrants such opposition. You must, however, notify us of this situation so that we can correctly asses your request. If the intended processing is qualified as direct marketing, you have the right to object against such processing without any charges at all times.
You have the right to receive all the personal information that you provided to us in the situations set out in Article 4.1 and if the processing is done using automated processes. We will then send this to you in a structured, widely-used and machine-readable format.
If you wish to submit a request to exercise one or several of the aforementioned rights, you can send an e-mail to Billit’s privacy officer. The e-mail that you send to exercise a right shall not be construed as consent for the processing of your personal data beyond the requirements for processing your request. Such a request must clearly state which right you wish to exercise and the reasons for this if this is required. It must also be dated and signed and a digital scanned copy of your valid ID card or other proof of your identity must be appended to this request. If you use the contact form, Billit may request a signed confirmation and proof of your identity.

Billit will immediately acknowledge receipt of this request. If your request proves valid, Billit will notify you of this as soon as reasonably possible and no later than thirty (30) days after receipt of this request.

Should you have a complaint about how Billit processes your personal information, then you can always contact Billit’s privacy officer at dpo@billit.be. If you are not satisfied with our response, then you may lodge a complaint with the competent data protection authority, i.e. the Belgian Data Protection Authority.